Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Less than a week

With less than a week to go before the municipal elections, the frenzy of campaign activity has only intensified. Some candidates' strategy includes mis-stating facts, smearing progressive initiatives and name-calling of other candidates. After months of visiting with different groups and neighborhood organizations around the city, I have come to a few conclusions regarding the previosuly mentioned tactics:

1) Most folks find it unproductive to complain about past Council actions. I, like many folks in Roanoke, don't fully agree with many decisions that have been made in the past. But those decisions are just that -- the past. As a city, we must move forward and look to the future, recognizing that we should learn from mistakes made to avoid such similar decisions in the future. But the future must be our focus.

2) Mis-stating facts and pandering for political reasons is not good for our community. Folks appreciate candidates who will say what they believe, regardless of whether that belief is popular or not. People want to be heard and want to know why a candidate believes what he or she believes, but pandering just for the sake of getting elected does nothing to help move our city forward into the 21st century.

3) Name-calling is unproductive as well. But not only this, it is also disrespectful to the community. We have got to learn to agree to disagree, and to always remember that differences of opinion are not personal. Working together with those you disagree with more often than not results in a better solution than either person may have come up with individually.

I urge voters to thoroughly look at the candidates, what each one says, and make the best decision you can with the information you have. As a city, we have to focus on where we are going 10 and 20 years from now, and recognize that only through working together will we achieve the sort of prosperity and unity that we all desire.

Please vote May 6th -- it is a pivotal time in Roanoke's history, and our citizens should decide the direction we need to head.

As for me, I believe that hope for a future where we all work together to provide opportunity for each and every one of our citizens is of utmost importance.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Medical school officially coming...

It's official! The new Virginia Tech-Carilion medical college is coming to Roanoke. The state legislature just passed a spending package that approved the funding for construction of the school. See to read the full story.

A new medical college in Roanoke is great news for our local economy and will create high-paying jobs for our residents. It also commits Tech to Roanoke, a relationship we should take advantage of with a continuing partnership.

A lot of hard work went into securing the necessary funding for the medical college, and our delegation to the state legislature deserves a lot of credit for their efforts.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Moving forward

After few months of meeting people all over the city, there are only a little over three short weeks before the May 6 city elections. I have had a blast going to neighborhood meetings and other groups to learn about the needs of folks across the city.

I am working really hard to share my message of hope for a progressive future for Roanoke. And although some candidates may be saying negative things about the state of the city, I do think we are headed in the right direction. With the new medical school, biomedical institute, two new high schools and continued efforts to make downtown a vibrant place, my goal is to be positive about our future, act civilly towards each person running for office, and to continue to meet with folks all across town.

I hope you'll join me in my efforts to keep Roanoke moving forward, without expressing anger towards one another when we disagree, and with real hope for what our city can become. I ask that you join me for a common future of prosperity and opportunity for all Roanokers.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

MLK Ceremony

Last evening at the site of the new MKL Statue in Gainsboro, a ceremony was held commemorating the 40th anniversary of the day Dr. King was murdered. It was a solemn occasion attended by a diverse group of Roanokers.

The keynote speaker was Rev. Kenneth Wright of First Baptist Church in Gainsboro. He delivered wonderful words that spoke to the importance of unity and equality. Others spoke, including Mayor Nelson Harris, Mac Macadden, Jeff Artis, Perneller Chubb Wilson, Bob Goodlatte and others.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Knockin' on Doors

Today begins the final five week stretch of the campaign. I will spend all afternoon knocking on doors in Raleigh Court and introducing myself to folks living in the various RC neighborhoods.

This is another one of the really fun activities that makes campaigning such an interesting and energetic experience -- getting to meet new people by just going up to their front door and knocking on their doors.

If anyone cares to join me over the next five weeks wandering neighborhoods across the city, just let me know and I would love for you to join me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Patty's Day

Even though the weather was forecast to be bad, it looks like St. Patty's Day may turn out to be a nice day after all.

A group of us will be running the 5K race this morning, then I will move on and march in the parade downtown with my fellow Democratic candidates for City Council. Should be a fun day - and of course, having never run for public office (nor having ever thought about running for public office) this will be the first parade in which I have ever marched.

I hope the parade turns out well with lots in attendance because I know of the hard work that has been put into arranging it -- it's a good event to bring the region together.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Neighborhood Meetings

For anyone who truly wants an up close and personal look at the happenings of the individual neighborhoods in Roanoke, I highly recommend attending some of the monthly gatherings the neighborhoods host. Guests are always welcomed warmly.

Over the past month, I have attended five different neighborhood alliances/organizations/forums/meetings, from Wasena to Melrose-Rugby. Each meeting I have attended has provided me with so much insight into one the greatest assets Roanoke has -- a sense of community. As with anything, each neighborhood has issues unique to the area, but more often than not, the issues are very similar. From better code enforcement to keeping the neighborhood and its parks clean and sightly to minimizing crime, most of the folks I have met simply want their community to be the best it can.

I have many more meetings on my schedule over the next two months, and if elected to Council, I will continue to attend these meetings to keep informed and in the know as to what is going on in the various neighborhoods in Roanoke.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Around Town

Although there has been much in the news lately about Roanoke City Council, I have been focused on continuing to meet people around the City. I have been attending neighborhood meetings -- not to just campaign but to learn about the issues most important to residents in various parts of Roanoke. It continues to be a wonderful experience to meet so many new people and hear how they believe we can work to move our City forward.

If you have any events or meetings that you think would be good for me to attend, please feel free to leave a comment and, if possible, I will be there.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Diversity Conference

The NewVAConnects Diversity conference was really great tonight -- some awesome music history lessons about jazz, the blues and gospel. Then on to the panel discussion, which was fascinating in what leaders think needs to happen to better integrate Roanoke.

Afterwards, a great group gathered at 202 Market to listen to the music of a mixed genre band of musicians. A ton of folks showed up representing every quadrant, neighborhood and civic group.

The goal was for tonight to begin a productive dialogue.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

MLK Statue Dedication

Today was the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. statue dedication near the Dumas Center. It was cold and windy but the turnout was excellent - lots of singing and remarks from leaders in the community with people of all ages, from all neighborhoods and of each race.

I talked to a number of younger folks about how great it is to have cultural and social monuments like the MLK statue and how Roanoke will move towards a positive future if we continue to have events like the one today.

We won't change overnight, but by honoring the past, remembering those who worked to break down barriers, and always keeping an eye to the future, Roanoke will continue to be a place full of hope and promise.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thank you all

Thank you for your support and vote yesterday during the Democratic primary. It was only with the help of friends, volunteers and supporters willing to join me in working towards a positive, progressive future for Roanoke that we were able to win and move on to the general election.

I look forward to continuing to talk to and get to know folks from all across our city. As a community, we must unite and work together towards a better future, not just for those of us living here today but for those we hope will be living here in five or ten years from now.

One of my hopes over the next few months to the general election and beyond is that, regardless of our differing opinions, the conversation will remain civil and respectful. I promise to do my part to cause this hope to come true.

I hope you'll continue to support me as I work to offer a fresh perspective on City Council.

Thanks again.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Dear Friends,

Just a friendly reminder, this SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2008 is election day at the Patrick Henry High School cafeteria from 9am to 3pm. Please come by and vote. Please bring 2 people with you to vote—all registered voters in the City are eligible and it will only take a few minutes of your time – you can vote and leave.

I truly believe that this election is a pivotal one. There is so much momentum in the City for a new perspective on City Council. I promise you that if you help me get elected , I will work as hard as possible to continue the progress of Roanoke to ensure a positive future for all of our citizens.

I ask you to vote this Saturday, for Court Rosen.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Meet and Greet!

My friends are having a meet and greet tomorrow, please come:


Come meet and greet COURT ROSEN, Candidate for City Council
Where? Blue 5 Restaurant (312 Second Street, Downtown)
When? 5:15 - 7:15 pm Thursday Feb 7, 2008
Why? Because for once, you can get to know who you are voting for…

Snacks will be provided

Friday, February 1, 2008

Thursday Night Candidates Forum

This past Thursday evening at the Dumas Center for Artistic & Cultural Development, a candidates forum was held to discuss some of the important issues facing Roanoke. All seven candidates seeking the nomination were in attendance.

While each candidate answered the same six questions, I hope the audience was able to distinguish between the various visions that we each have for the future of Roanoke. Schools were discussed at great length, with different proposals for how to improve our education system in the city.

It's important to know that City Council serves two functions with regard to our schools: 1) It appoints a school board, which should be comprised of the very best and brightest that Roanoke has to offer, and 2) City Council funds the schools.

Schools are the foundation of any community, and are directly linked to the economic and cultural success of the city. We cannot grown economically unless outside businesses and people trust that they can move/live in Roanoke and that the city can provide a high quality of education to our children, regardless of race, socioeconomic background or other social factors.

It's difficult for me, personally and publicly, to tell people that I will work to increase teacher pay, or implement strategies to increase our graduation rate -- though these are important, noble and necessary goals. As a member of Council, these aren't promises that can be fulfilled by Council. But we can appoint School Board members who are qualified and committed, and who can work to put in place policies that will achieve these worthy goals.

It's my goal to always be genuine with voters. I can and will commit to increasing the funding formula for our schools -- this formula is outdated and needs to be changed. I promise that I will work tirelessly to see this change occur for the better.

As I have said many times to folks all over Roanoke: Good schools bring more and better jobs and build great communities.

I'll always be straight with the citizens of Roanoke.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blue Ridge Business Journal

As a lot of folks know because of my current campaign, I am building a very environmentally friendly community in Christiansburg. To read about the community, look in the Trend Section of this week's Blue Ridge Business Journal.

I would love and appreciate any feedback.

Last Night

Last night the Roanoke Jaycees, NewVaConnects and Valley Forward held a joint forum to encourage a new generation of citizens to get involved in the civic, business and political life of Roanoke. It was an amazing event with people from all over the region, people with varying backgrounds and folks of all ages.

Speakers expressed the importance of involvement -- of taking an active role in helping Roanoke reach its full potential.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


With only two weeks to go until the primary voting takes place, I'm energized and excited about all the folks who are so positive about the future of Roanoke. Please follow the news over the next couple of weeks to determine who you want to see representing Roanoke on City Council.

As always, if you have any feedback for me, please post comments and let me know.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pub Quiz and City Council

The NewVaConnects Pub Quiz at Annie Moore's Irish Pub was a ton of fun this evening. Lots of Roanoke's young citizens came out and mingled. Although the team I was on didn't win.... we had a really good time.

For more info on NewVaConnects and upcoming events, go to:

On the campaign front, things are going really well. People seem to be genuinely excited about the possibility of a new, fresh perspective on City Council. If anyone has any questions for me, or if you are willing to volunteer to help get out the vote, please feel free to email anytime at

Monday, January 21, 2008

Watch my announcement on YouTube

If you were not able to make my announcement last week when I declared my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Roanoke City Council, you can now watch it on YouTube. To view, please visit:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Roanoke Times full story

Read the Roanoke Times full story on the Rally in Roanoke in support of building the Rockledge Center atop Mill Mountain.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Groups Rally in Roanoke

Today, several community groups, made up of citizens of all ages, rallied on top of Mill Mountain in support of a proposal to build a mountaintop restaurant like the old Rockledge. Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with the low-impact development of Mill Mountain, it's exciting that citizens of Roanoke have gathered in a positive, progressive way to rally around a community project that they believe will help move Roanoke forward.

To read the article about the rally in the Roanoke Times, visit:

Thursday, January 17, 2008


In case you are snowed it - check out the campaign featured in local news:

WDBJ - Link Here to read and watch footage

Roanoke Times Article:
At 29, council candidate touts 'fresh perspective' for Roanoke
Court Rosen, a former congressional staffer, joins the increasingly crowded field seeking the city's Democratic nomination.
By David Harrison 777-3523
At 29, Court Rosen is the second-youngest candidate running for the Democratic nomination for this year's Roanoke City Council election. Alex Ballin, another Democratic hopeful, is roughly six years younger.
But Rosen is pointing to his youth as an asset in his bid to shape the city's direction for the next four years.
"I can offer the fresh perspective of my generation, acknowledging that attracting this younger generation is an important component in moving Roanoke forward," he said during his announcement, held outside the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building on Wednesday.
Behind him as he spoke were about half a dozen young professionals and Mayor Nelson Harris.
"We want Roanoke to be attractive to the digital generation, but we must always remember that city council represents all of our citizens," Rosen said.
His campaign director, Dan Frei, filmed his announcement to produce a video that will be posted on YouTube, the popular video-sharing Web site.
Rosen, a former congressional staffer, and his wife moved to Roanoke three years ago from Northern Virginia ... (Click on link above to read full article)

Keep stopping by the BLOG for more info!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


If you missed the announcement today, here is what I wanted to get across:

"Thank you all for being here today. I know it’s chilly so I’ll keep my remarks brief.

My name is Court Rosen – I am announcing today that I am seeking the nomination of our Democratic Party to be a candidate for Roanoke City Council in this May’s city election.

Roanoke has been changing for 125 years. Lately, the pace of change has been accelerating. We can see changes all around us, everyday, from the cranes in the sky over Reserve Avenue to the businesses that make Roanoke their home. One role of City Council is to help manage these changes, allocating resources wisely and strategically to make sure that people continue to benefit from quality services such as public safety, public health and attractive recreational opportunities. We want Roanoke to be attractive to the digital generation, but we must always remember that City Council represents all of our citizens.

I believe I can offer the fresh perspective of my generation, acknowledging that attracting this younger generation is an important component in moving Roanoke forward.

I believe we need to cultivate our very young through quality education. To do this we will have to continue to provide the resources needed to get the job done – keep materials and technology up to date, pay competitive salaries and be good stewards of our facilities. The entire community must be involved and have input in improving our schools.

We must work to promote our city’s growth through smart economic development.

One of Roanoke’s greatest assets is its magnificent beauty that affords everyone recreational and outdoor opportunities. Let’s harness and embrace this asset and use it to attract a new generation to help carry Roanoke into a positive, progressive future. It’s important as well that we take care of the quality of our air and water.

Service on City Council, to me, is about more than mountain top restaurants and amphitheaters – it’s about where we end up 10 and 20 years from now – how our citizenry grows and matures, and how we make the very best of our common resources.

I want to participate in our city government to offer a fresh perspective on Roanoke’s progress and the future of our city, our quality of life and quality of city services."

Thank you,

and thanks for those who attended the announcement.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


The Roanoke Times today had an article discussing Roanoke's goals of retaining and luring younger people to Roanoke. This Wednesday (January 16th) at 1pm in front of the Municipal Building downtown we will announce that a younger professional is running for the Democratic nomination for City Council. Invite all your friends and family and please join us on Wednesday.